• Free shipping
    No hidden costs! Standard shipping free of charge for all products!
  • Basic artwork check included
    Get the best prints possible For every order, we check your uploads to make sure they are suitable for printing free of charge!

    If any alterations are required, we inform you without delay.
  • Independent buyer protection
    Assessed and certified since 2015 Our shop is regularly assessed by Trusted Shops, an independent organisation which has certified us since 2015.

    Additionally, you can opt for additional Trusted Shops buyer protection covering orders of up to £2,500.
  • Buy on account
    Pay on receipt of our invoice Businesses, public bodies, and charitable associations can use our hassle-free purchase-on-account option.
    • No fees
    • No delays
    • No waiting
    We start production as soon as you upload your print files. You pay nothing until you receive your order.
  • Consult a print professional
    Friendly, competent advice We're here to help!
    • Information about our products
    • Support in producing your print artwork
    • Help managing your orders
    Our team of print professionals is available to talk to you Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm on 020 3608 0777.

Error diagnosis: Fonts and images

Our logo was not placed correctly in your artwork file.

NOT producible with print approval!

You have selected the "Sponsoring" option when placing your order. For this, it is necessary to place our logo correctly within your print templates.

Where exactly you place our logo is up to you - the only important thing is that you do not change the colour, resolution or proportions of our logo.

If you are not able to place the logo correctly in your print template, please let us know. We will then remove the "Sponsoring" option and the associated discount from your order.

Correction note: Information on size and colour mode and the selection of our logos can be found here:

Your fonts contain non-embedded glyphs or symbols.

NOT producible with print approval!

Non-embedded glyphs/symbols are caused by fonts that are not fully embedded. These elements can be removed once the files have been prepared.

Correction note: Please ensure that your fonts are 100% embedded and remove elements outside the print area (e.g. instructions or file names). If glyphs/symbols are still missing, we recommend converting your fonts to paths. Alternatively, you can also send us your artwork files as TIFF or JPEG with a resolution of at least 250 dpi.

Please understand that non-embedded glyphs/symbols can lead to a faulty print image. Unfortunately, it is not possible to approve this for printing.

Your font is damaged.

NOT producible with print approval!

Unfortunately, we cannot process the artwork files you sent us because your fonts are damaged.Damage to the font can be due to several reasons.

Please ensure that you have all the necessary licences for the fonts you are using. Unfortunately, this rarely applies to free fonts, for example.

Incomplete embedding of the characters can also be a reason. Please check if your PDF contains all the necessary characters.

You also have the option of converting the texts into paths or sending us a JPEG or TIFF (please ensure the correct resolution!).

Your fonts are not fully or partially embedded.

NOT producible with print approval!

Depending on the software used, there are various default settings and options that you can customise. Here you can embed all fonts. Or you can convert the fonts into paths and avoid the problem of having to embed the fonts.

Tip: Please check your print files before uploading it one more time. Open your files in Adobe Acrobat (Reader) and go to the document porperties (via file > properties or with the shortcut Ctrl-D). You will find a list of all used fonts in the section "fonts“. If fonts have been embedded correctly, you will find a note behind the font name in quotation marks – "embedded subset " / "embedded“.

When all fonts have a note, the embedding process has been successful and the error has been solved.
If you are not working with a professional design software, we recommend to save your files as a TIFF- or JPG file with sufficient resolution of at least 250 dpi.

Artwork guide

Your design is sometimes too close to the binding

Producible with print approval!

A margin of approx. 10mm to the binding edge is recommended to ensure a balanced visual effect. Scrolling creates a kind of broken edge.

We can also print with the PDF you send us. However, for this we need an explicit approval from you to print the available artwork.

Your fonts are too close to the Wire-O binding

Producible with print approval!

A margin of approx. 20mm to the binding edge is recommended to ensure a balanced visual effect.

We can also print with the PDF you send us. However, for this we need an explicit approval from you to print the available artwork.

Your fonts are in the safety margin.

Producible with print approval!

Fonts or design elements should not be placed in the safety margin. The layout looks cramped.

Please note that in the case of bleed, the spacing of your file will need to be taken into account accordingly. When adding e.g. 3mm margin (bleed), fonts and graphics should be + 3mm away from the print edge of your print template according to the safety margin on the data sheet.

Colours, background images and layouts must be integrated into the bleed area to avoid so-called flashes in case of any cutting tolerances.

In the case of artwork files without any bleed or after scaling, we reserve the right to apply bleed by mirroring. In the process, the corresponding millimetres are mirrored from the inside to the outside at the cutting edge.

We can also print with the PDF you send us. However, for this we need an explicit approval from you to print the available artwork.

Poor image quality despite sufficient resolution.

Producible with print approval!

Explanation: If the resolution is too low, your printed product may appear blurred or fuzzy (pixelated). Whether a lower resolution meets your quality requirements is always a subjective assessment. Therefore, we cannot give any recommendation in this regard.

Important: For optimum print quality, all documents, images and fonts must be supplied at a resolution of at least 250 dpi.

Correction note: To ensure that your document has the correct dimensions with the appropriate resolution, you should make sure that the correct dimensions have been setup in the software you are using. If your artwork is 250 dpi, check the mm dimension of your artwork.

Depending on the software, you can enter the resolution and mm dimension directly. If only pixel dimensions can be entered or viewed, please note that these must be converted accordingly. The formula for converting your dimensions is: Size in mm x (250 dpi / 25.4) = Dimension in pixels. Recalculating an image with a lower resolution to 250 dpi or more using pixel interpolation does not necessarily improve the image quality. Even if the resulting image resolution is correct, the visual impression may remain unchanged due to display issues.

It is possible to print at a lower resolution or with serious display problems, but this must be explicitly approved by you, as the optimum print quality will not be achieved.

Images that overflow the page do NOT fit together!

Producible with print approval!

When creating artwork files as individual pages, please allow for a 2mm bleed. An overflowing graphic should therefore overlap the 2mm outside the end zone on both sides and only meet at the edge of the end zone.

We can also print with the PDF you send us. However, for this we need an explicit approval from you to print the available artwork.

Stamps: Line thickness less than 0.4mm (1.134pt).

Producible with print approval!

Explanation: Certain requirements must be met for the stamps to be feasible. In this respect, graphic elements of the stamps used must have a line thickness of at least 0.4mm.

Correction note: Correct the line thickness of your elements to the minimum thickness of 0.4 mm or remove it.

Please note the following general instructions for creating artwork files for stamps:

Fonts and vector elements:

  • Create fonts and typographic lines with at least 1pt (0.4mm) thickness
  • Create fonts with at least 7pt size and 1 pt (0.4mm) thickness (serif fonts are not recommended)
  • Fonts should be converted to paths
  • Objects or texts must be created in 100% black


  • Do not use colour gradients, transparencies, colour halftones, tonal values or graphic effects (cast shadows, outward glow, gradients, etc.)
  • Images should not be saved in greyscale but as bitmaps
  • The resolution of images must be at least 600 dpi

For producing with the available artwork, we require an explicit written approval from you.

Please remember that this does not guarantee the exact representation of all lines and elements.

Sticker with part. Varnish / Signs: Line thickness less than 2.82mm (8pt).

Producible with print approval!

Explanation: Certain requirements must be met for theordered finishing to be feasible. In this respect, graphic elements used must have a line thickness of at least 2.82mm.

Correction note: Correct the line thickness of your elements to the minimum thickness of 2.82 mm or remove it.

Please note the following general instructions for creating artwork files for sticker with part. varnish:

Fonts and vector elements:

  • Create fonts and typographic lines with at least 8pt (2.82mm) thickness
  • Create fonts with at least 7pt size
  • Embed fonts or convert to curves/paths


  • Do not use colour gradients, transparencies, colour halftones, tonal values or graphic effects (cast shadows, outward glow, gradients, etc.)
  • The resolution of images must be at least 250 dpi

For producing with the available artwork, we require an explicit written approval from you.

Stickers with white underprint: Line thickness less than 0.25mm (0.7pt).

Producible with print approval!

Explanation: Certain requirements must be met for the white underprint behind coloured areas to be feasible. In this respect, graphic elements of the partial varnish used must have a line thickness of at least 0.25mm.

Correction note Correct the line thickness of your elements to the minimum thickness of 0.25 mm or remove it.

Fonts and vector elements:

  • Create fonts and typographic lines with at least 0.7pt (0.25mm) thickness
  • Create fonts with at least 6pt size
  • Embed fonts or convert to curves/paths


  • Do not use colour gradients, transparencies, colour halftones, tonal values or graphic effects (cast shadows, outward glow, gradients, etc.)
  • The resolution of images must be at least 250 dpi

For producing with the available artwork, we require an explicit written approval from you.

One or more graphics were placed with too little bleed.

Producible with print approval!

Explanation: One or more graphics were placed with too little bleed.The bleed is required in offset printing to enable borderless printing. If the bleed is too small, white lines may appear in the edge area (flash) when cutting your printed matter, as the machine may have cutting tolerances.

Correction note: Place all elements in such a way that you fully utilise the bleed. Graphics, images, coloured areas, etc. must therefore extend 2mm beyond the cutting edge. (for example: A4: 210 x 297mm + 2mm bleed = 214 x 301mm)

Your fonts are too close to the bleed.

Producible with print approval!

When placing images and text, leave a minimum of 3mm, ideally 5mm, from the cutting edge to ensure a balanced visual effect.

The margin for bleed must be taken into account accordingly.

For 2mm bleed, fonts and graphics should be 5 - 7mm away from the print edge of your artwork.

Your fonts are too close to the fold / crease.

Producible with print approval!

A margin of at least 3mm, ideally 5mm, from the fold edge is recommended to ensure a balanced visual effect.

With polyurethane reactive glue, the cover is creased before binding. The creasing is located on the cover page and U4 (reverse side) 8mm next to the break when closed.

To avoid the creasing going through text or images on the front cover or back cover we recommend a margin of at least 10mm (best 15mm) from the break.